Setting goals is an important part of achieving success and reaching your full potential.

The Basics of Goal Setting

The basics of goal setting will involve deciding what U really want to do to assist you in reaching your full potential. The basics of setting a goal is an open secret known by top-caliber athletes, successful businessmen and businesswomen and all types of achievers in all walks of life. The rationale for setting goals is for U to have short-term and long-term motivation and focus. Goal setting helps U set focus on the acquisition of required knowledge and helps U plan and organize your resources and your time so that U can get the best out of your life.

Here are some pointers that should be taken into consideration in setting goals and achieving them:

1. Attitude and motivation play a very big role in setting and achieving your goals.

Set goals that motivate U. Motivation and attitude are key to achieving your goals. There should be intrinsic value in achieving the goals you set for yourself otherwise U won’t put in the effort to reach your goal and U will risk self-doubt and criticism. These emotions will only further your inability to reach your potential.

U must ask yourself if any part of U or your mind is holding U back from completing your goals? Is there are any part of your behavior that is acting as a hindrance or putting your plans into disarray? If U do have problems in these areas then the immediate thing to do is to address the issues. A solution may include speaking with someone about your self-defeating behaviors which are preventing you from setting and achieving your goals.

2. Set “SMART” goals

  • Specific – Your goals should include a step-by-step approach to reaching your full potential.
    Your goals should be very specific in order to be achievable.  Clearly define exactly what you want and understand why you want it in the first place.  Include both short-term and long-term goals in your plan.
  • Measurable/Manageable – Break down your goals into smaller, manageable and measurable targets that will lead U towards achieving your lifetime goals.  Setting clearly defined short-term and long-term goals will enable U to measure your progress and achieve personal satisfaction upon meeting your goals.
  • Attainable – Your goals must be attainable. If your goals are unrealistic, you will fail to reach them.
  • Relevant – Your goal should be important to you. If it is what someone else has in mind for you and you can’t relate, you won’t follow through. U simply won’t put in the time and effort if the goal doesn’t mean anything to you.
  • Time Bound – It is way too easy to put off what can be done tomorrow if U don’t set time constraints/deadlines on achieving your goals. Once U have your list waste no time in tackling your goals.


3. Write your goals on paper

Post your goals in visible places to remind yourself every day of what it is you intend to do. Put them on your walls, desk, computer monitor, bathroom mirror or refrigerator as a constant reminder. Charting your progress on paper will enable U to actually see the stages of completion leading to the actual realization of your goals. This will alleviate the feelings that you may have at times that the process is simply a long and pointless grind towards achieving your goal. As U become more aware of your capabilities and meet your short-term goals, your self-confidence and level of competence will also improve.

4. Make an Action Plan

Plan for all of the steps that are needed along the way. This requires that you break down each long-term goal into short-term goals needed to achieve your life goals. A good way to have a manageable list is to have a daily and weekly set of goals. By doing this U will be always in the position of moving towards your long-term goal. Everyday will give U the opportunity to fulfill a certain goal giving U the feeling of accomplishment.

By writing out the individual steps, and then crossing each one off as you complete it, you’ll realize that you are making progress towards your ultimate goal. This is especially important if your goal is  demanding or long-term.

5. Keep on Track

Keep on track. Always review your plans and prepare for contingencies. Goal setting is an ongoing process which should be measured, reviewed and adapted as need be to meet your full potential. The destination may remain the same but what you do and how you do it may change significantly in the course of working towards achieving your goals. Goals will change throughout a lifetime. Always insure that your goals remain relevant, motivating and they are what U want for U.

Sources and Citations –

“You are never too old to set another goal, or to dream a new dream.”  ― C.S. Lewis